The University of Arizona's HPC cluster uses the "PBS Pro" (portable batch system) scheduler.
Here are some important links:
- [email protected] (email list for help)
- https://confluence.arizona.edu/display/UAHPC/HPC+Documentation
- http://rc.arizona.edu/hpc-htc/high-performance-computing-high-throughput-computing
- http://rc.arizona.edu/hpc-htc/using-systems/pbs-example
Your "allocation" is how much compute time you are allowed on the cluster. Use the command va
to view your allocation of compute hours, e.g.:
$ va
kyclark current allocation (remaining/encumbered/total):
Group standard qualified
bhurwitz 17215:23/00:00/108000:00 99310:56/72:00/100000:00
bh_admin 00:00/00:00/00:00 00:00/00:00/00:00
bh_dev 00:00/00:00/00:00 00:00/00:00/00:00
gwatts 12000:00/00:00/24000:00 00:00/00:00/00:00
mbsulli 228000:00/00:00/228000:00 00:00/00:00/00:00
The UA has three queues: high-priority, normal, and windfall. If you exhaust your normal hours in a month, then your jobs must run under "windfall" (catch as catch can) until your hours are replenished.
Job submission
The PBS command for submitting to the queue is qsub
. Since this command takes many arguments, I usually write a small script to gather all the arguments and execute the command so it's documented how I ran the job. Most of the time I call this "submit.sh" it basically does qsub $ARGS run.sh
. To view your queue, use qstat -u $USER
Here is a "hello" script:
$ cat -n hello.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 #PBS -W group_list=bhurwitz
4 #PBS -q standard
5 #PBS -l jobtype=cluster_only
6 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb
7 #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
8 #PBS -l cput=01:00:00
10 echo "Hello from sunny \"$(hostname)\"!"
The #PBS
lines almost look like comments, but they are directives to PBS to describe your job. Lines 6-7 says that we require a very small machine with just one CPU and 1G of memory and that we only want it for 1 hour. The less you request, the more likely you are to get a machine meeting (or exceeding) your needs. On line 10, we are including the hostname
of the compute node so that we can see that, though we submit the job from a head node (e.g., "login1"), the job is run on a different machine.
Here is a Makefile to submit it:
$ cat -n Makefile
1 submit: clean
2 qsub hello.sh
4 clean:
5 find . -name hello.sh.[eo]* -exec rm {} \;
Just typing make
will run the "clean" command to remove any previous out/error files, and this it will qsub
our "hello.sh" script:
$ make
find . -name hello.sh.[eo]* -exec rm {} \;
qsub hello.sh
$ type qs
qs is aliased to `qstat -u kyclark'
$ qs
Req'd Req'd Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
818089.service0 kyclark clu_stan hello.sh -- 1 1 1gb 01:00 Q --
Until the job is picked up, the "S" (status) column will show "Q" for "queued," then it will change to "R" for "running," "E" for "error," or "X" for "exited." When qstat
returns nothing, then the job has finished. You should see files like "hello.sh.o[jobid]" for the output and "hello.sh.e[jobid]" for the errors (which we hope are none):
$ ls -lh
total 128K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kyclark staff 210 Aug 30 10:09 hello.sh
-rw------- 1 kyclark bhurwitz 0 Aug 30 10:19 hello.sh.e818089
-rw------- 1 kyclark bhurwitz 181 Aug 30 10:19 hello.sh.o818089
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kyclark staff 81 Aug 30 10:08 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kyclark staff 1.3K Aug 26 08:12 README.md
$ cat hello.sh.o818089
Hello from sunny "r1i3n10"!
Your group bhurwitz has been charged 00:00:01 for 1 cpus.
You previously had 42575:01:07. You now have 42575:01:06 remaining for the queue clu_standard
While Makefiles can be a great way to document for myself (and others) how I submitted and ran a job, I will often write a "submit.sh" script to check input, decide on resources, etc. Here is a more complicated submission for retrieving data from an FTP server:
$ cat -n submit.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 set -u
5 export FTP_LIST=get-me
6 export OUT_DIR=$PWD
7 export NCFTPGET=/rsgrps/bhurwitz/hurwitzlab/bin/ncftpget
8 export PBSDIR=pbs
10 if [[ -d $PBSDIR ]]; then
11 rm -rf $DIR/*
12 else
13 mkdir $DIR
14 fi
16 NUM_FILES=$(wc -l $FTP_LIST | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
18 if [[ $NUM_FILES -gt 0 ]]; then
19 JOB_ID=$(qsub -N ftp -v OUT_DIR,FTP_LIST,NCFTPGET -j oe -o $PBSDIR ftp-get.sh)
20 echo "Submitted \"$FILE\" files to job \"$JOB_ID\""
21 else
22 echo "Can't find any files in \"$FTP_LIST\""
23 fi
$ cat get-me
Here I have a file "get-me" with a few files on an FTP server that I want to download using the program "ncftpget" (http://ncftp.com/) which is installed in our shared "bin" directory. Since I don't like having the output files from PBS scattered about my working directory, I like to make a place ("pbs") to put them (lines 8-14), and then I include the "-j oe" flag to "join output/error" files together and "-o" to put the output files in $PBSDIR. On line 16, I check that there is legitimate input from the user. Line 19 captures the output from the qsub
command to report on the submission.
One way to pass arguments to the compute node is by export
ing variables (lines 5-8) and then using the "-v" option to send those parts of the environment with the job. If you ever get an error on qsub
that say it can't send the environment, it's because you failed to export
the variable.
Here is the script that actually downloads the files:
$ cat -n ftp-get.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 #PBS -W group_list=bhurwitz
4 #PBS -q standard
5 #PBS -l jobtype=serial
6 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb
7 #PBS -l place=pack:shared
8 #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
9 #PBS -l cput=24:00:00
11 set -u
13 cd $OUT_DIR
15 echo "Started $(date)"
17 i=0
18 while read FTP; do
19 let i++
20 printf "%3d: %s\n" $i $FTP
22 done < $FTP_LIST
24 echo "Ended $(date)"
All of the "#PBS" directives in this script could also have been specified as options to the qsub
command in the submit script. Even though I have "set -u" on and have not declared $OUT_DIR
, I can cd
to it because it was exported from the submit script. When your job is placed on the compute node, it will be placed into your $HOME directory, so it's important to have your job place its output files into the correct location. The rest of the script is fairly self-explanatory, reading the $FTP_LIST
one line at a time, using "ncftpget" to fetch it ("wget" would work just fine, too).
Job Arrays
Downloading files doesn't usually take a long time, but for our purposes let's pretend each file would take upwards of 10 hours. We are only allowed 24 hours on a compute node, so we think we can fetch at most two files for each job. If we have 200 files, then we need 100 jobs which exceeds the polite and allowed number of jobs we can put into queue at any one time. This is when we would use a job array to submit just one job that will be turned into the required 100 jobs to handle the 200 files:
$ cat -n submit.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 set -u
5 export FTP_LIST=get-me
6 export OUT_DIR=$PWD
7 export NCFTPGET=/rsgrps/bhurwitz/hurwitzlab/bin/ncftpget
8 export PBSDIR=pbs
9 export STEP_SIZE=2
11 if [[ -d $PBSDIR ]]; then
12 rm -rf $DIR/*
13 else
14 mkdir $DIR;
15 fi
17 NUM_FILES=$(wc -l $FTP_LIST | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
19 if [[ $NUM_FILES -lt 1 ]]; then
20 echo "Can\'t find any files in \"$FTP_LIST\""
21 exit 1
22 fi
24 JOBS=""
25 if [[ $NUM_FILES -gt 1 ]]; then
27 if [[ $STEP_SIZE -gt 1 ]]; then
29 fi
30 fi
32 JOB_ID=$(qsub $JOBS -N ftp -v OUT_DIR,STEP_SIZE,FTP_LIST,NCFTPGET -j oe -o $PBSDIR ftp-get.sh)
34 echo "Submitted \"$FILE\" files to job \"$JOB_ID\""
The only difference from the previous version is that we have a new $STEP_SIZE
variable set to "2" meaning we want to handle 2 jobs per node. Lines 24-30 build up the a string to describe the job array which will only be needed if there is more than 1 job.
The FTP downloading now needs to take into account which files to download from the $FTP_LIST
$ cat -n ftp-get.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 #PBS -W group_list=bhurwitz
4 #PBS -q standard
5 #PBS -l jobtype=serial
6 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb
7 #PBS -l place=pack:shared
8 #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
9 #PBS -l cput=24:00:00
11 set -u
13 echo "Started $(date)"
15 cd $OUT_DIR
17 TMP_FILES=$(mktemp)
19 NUM_FILES=$(wc -l $TMP_FILES | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
21 if [[ $NUM_FILES -lt 1 ]]; then
22 echo "Failed to fetch files"
23 exit 1
24 fi
26 echo "Will fetch $NUM_FILES"
28 i=0
29 while read FTP; do
30 let i++
31 printf "%3d: %s\n" $i $FTP
33 done < $TMP_FILES
35 rm $TMP_FILES
37 echo "Ended $(date)"
To extract the files for the given compute node, we use the $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
variable created by PBS along with the $STEP_SIZE
variable as arguments to a sed
command, redirecting that output into a temporary file. From there, the script proceeds as before only reading from the $TMP_FILES
and removing it when the job is done.
Interactive job
You can use qsub -I
flag to be placed onto a compute node to run your job interactively. This is a good way to debug your script in the actual runtime environment. TACC has a nifty alias called idev
that will fire up an interactive node for you to play with, so here is a PBS version to do the same. Place this line in your "~/.bashrc" (be sure to "source" the file afterwards):
alias idev="qsub -I -N idev -W group_list=bhurwitz -q standard -l walltime=01:00:00 -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb"
Then from a login node (here "service2") I can type idev
to get a compute node. When I'm finished, I can CTRL-D or type "exit" or "logout" to go back to the login node:
$ hostname
$ idev
qsub: waiting for job 652560.service2 to start
qsub: job 652560.service2 ready
$ hostname
$ logout
qsub: job 652560.service2 completed
Dependency Chain
To schedule a job with a dependency chain, it's necessary to be on the correct login/head node for the type of job:
- service0 - cluster scheduler
- service1 - smp scheduler
- service2 - htc scheduler